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Tips for a healthy summer 100%

Tips for a healthy summer - Iberiana

Summer is here and we are all excited to enjoy time with friends, family, and the wonders of warm weather, such as the beach and the pool. However, it is common to overindulge during this season, especially in our food choices. While it is important to pamper ourselves from time to time, it is also essential to maintain a healthy routine to balance out those little excesses.

During the summer, we have a wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, which provide us with the necessary nutrients and help us to stay hydrated. It is therefore advisable to take advantage of these options in our daily diet.

In this article, we will share key tips for a healthy summer:

  • Balanced diet: Maintain a balanced diet, avoiding excesses of fried foods, ultra-processed foods, sugars and alcohol. Opt for fresh foods such as seasonal fruits and vegetables, which provide the nutrients, vitamins and minerals our body needs.


  • Adequate hydration: It is essential to stay hydrated on hot days. Drink enough water and take advantage of fruits rich in water, such as watermelon and melon.


  • Moderation in portions: Enjoy your favourite foods, but keep your quantities in check. Avoid overindulging in unhealthy foods and keep your food choices balanced.


In addition to a healthy diet, physical exercise is essential for a healthy summer. There is no need for intense routines, just moderate activity. Here are some options:

  • Swimming: Make the most of the summer by swimming at the beach or pool. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that benefits the whole body and helps you stay cool.


  • Outdoor walks: Walk or cycle for at least 30 minutes a day. Explore new places and enjoy the summer weather while exercising.


  • Team sports: Get together with friends or family to play sports such as paddle tennis or tennis. As well as keeping you active, you'll have a great time together.


Remember that balancing diet, exercise and rest is key to a healthy summer. Enjoy this season to the fullest while taking care of your wellbeing - Happy summer!

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