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International Plant Health Day


This 12 May marks a crucial date in the agricultural calendar: International Plant Health Day. This day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of protecting our crops and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

At Iberiana, we join this celebration to highlight the work of plant health in the preservation of our crops and the environment.

Importance of Plant Health:

Plant health plays an essential role in protecting our crops against diseases, pests and other risks that can affect their growth and yield.                         With the world's growing population and ever-evolving environmental challenges, food security has become more critical than ever. Plant health not only ensures the availability of safe and healthy food, but also contributes to the preservation of biodiversity and soil health.

Main Threats:

Today, our crops face a range of threats, from viral diseases to the spread of invasive pests. Climate change has also intensified the occurrence of extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, which can negatively affect agricultural production. It is crucial to address these threats proactively and develop integrated pest and disease management strategies to protect our crops effectively and sustainably.

With our social commitmentWe are committed to the promotion of responsible agricultural practices and the development of innovative solutions in the field of plant health.

Our team of experts works closely with farmers and agricultural organisations to deliver high quality products and services that improve crop health and yields in a sustainable way.

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