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Iberiana Frucht joins the Fight Against Cancer at the annual dinner of the AECC.

fight against cancer

On 13 April, the emblematic Canet lighthouse became the setting for the annual charity dinner organised by the Sagunt Local Board and the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC). This charity event, which brought together 217 people, was notable for its fundraising impact, raising over 2,000 euros to support those facing this disease and to promote medical research to develop more effective treatments in the fight against cancer.

The evening was a manifestation of solidarity and commitment, values that define Iberiana Frucht. On this occasion, Enrique Clavel, Managing Director of Iberiana Frucht, was awarded the prize for the fight against cancer, in recognition of his outstanding commitment to the cause. This award underlines Iberiana's strong link to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

We are committed to the health and well-being:


This commitment is reflected in our many initiatives aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles. We actively participate in various charity races, sponsoring and donating fruit to participants, as each runner receives a bag of fresh fruit at the end of the race, thus contributing to a healthy and nutritious recovery.

In addition, the profits raised in these charity races go to different social causes, including projects to support the education of underprivileged children and programmes to fight cancer. At iberiana, we believe that our role is not limited to providing quality fruit, but also includes the responsibility to contribute to the wellbeing of our community and to support causes as significant as the fight against cancer.

Our participation in this charity dinner reinforces our commitment to health, solidarity and continued support for research. 

We will continue to support such initiatives and work to promote a healthy lifestyle, because we believe that together we can make a significant difference.

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