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Why are plums so advisable in summer?

Summer Plums

Summer is about heat, fresh air, relaxing moments on the beach or by the pool, as well as a change in our diet.

We are sure that many of us, with the arrival of summer, put hot dishes to one side and switch to a diet dominated by salads, refreshing products, vegetables and fruit.

And when it comes to fruit, it is impossible to overlook one of our favourite fruits: plums.

What is the origin of plums?

Although there is some confusion about their origin, plums are considered to originate from the Caucasus, specifically from the ancient regions of Anatolia (Turkey) and Persia (Iran).

From this point of view, and as is the case with many of the products that currently form the basis of our Mediterranean diet, it was the Roman Empire that was responsible for introducing it to Europe, approximately between 150-200 BC.

How many varieties of plums are there?

There are currently considered to be around 200 varieties of plums.

However, the simplest classification, and how they are differentiated by the vast majority of consumers, is by their colour:

  • YellowThey usually have a more acidic taste and a higher juice content.
  • RojasThe most important thing is that they are very juicy and have a sweeter flavour.
  • Black and greenThe sweetness and firmness of the flesh make them stand out.

In addition, at Iberiana, we also have a variety of plum "roséunique both for its colour and for its taste and sweetness.

In this case, all the plums we distribute from Iberiana originate from production fields in Spain and Italy.

What are the health benefits of plums?

Like most fruits and vegetables, plums are totally healthy and highly recommended foods.

If we focus on their benefits or properties, plums have some characteristics that make them a truly recommendable option:

  • Plums are particularly rich in nutrients:

They contain a high percentage of different vitamins and minerals, as well as a considerable amount of fibre and antioxidants. They are also very low in calories.

  • Plums are natural laxatives:

One of their most outstanding and recognised properties is their ability to relieve constipation due to the large amount of fibre they contain.

However, it should be borne in mind that too many plums can have the opposite effect due to their laxative properties.

  • Plums have multiple antioxidant properties:

Because of the polyphenols they contain, they are antioxidants and help prevent disease and promote overall health.

  • Plums prevent a rise in blood sugar:

Its properties and composition are very favourable for preventing high blood sugar due to its fibre content and low glycaemic index.

  • Plums promote bone health:

They are a good natural source of vitamin K, so they play an important role in the formation of proteins necessary for bone health. In addition, plums are rich in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which also contribute to bone health by playing key roles in bone formation and maintenance.

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