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Deciphering the carbon footprint of citrus: the sustainable impact of lemons and grapefruit in Spain.


Citrus fruits occupy a prominent place in Spanish agriculture. Spain is one of the world's leading producers of citrus fruits, with regions such as Valencia and Andalusia famous for their high quality lemons and grapefruit. 

Agricultural production, including citrus production, involves a range of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. From fertiliser use to farm machinery and transport, each stage of the process has its own carbon footprint. In the case of lemons and grapefruit, for which demand has increased worldwide, understanding and addressing this footprint becomes crucial to promote sustainability in the agricultural industry.

The citrus industry in Spain is increasingly adopting sustainable practices to reduce its carbon footprint. From implementing more efficient cultivation techniques to optimising supply chains to reduce transport emissions, there is a growing drive towards producing more sustainable lemons and grapefruit.

In recent years, the relationship between suppliers, customers and consumers has evolved towards a shared need to embrace more responsible practices. 

At Iberiana we are committed to promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing the carbon footprint of our industry. 

At Ailimpo make a more exhaustive study.

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