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The importance of our quality department

At Iberiana, quality is a fundamental pillar that underpins our entire company. Since our inception, our mission has been to offer products that not only meet, but exceed our customers' expectations. To achieve this, we have a robust and committed quality department that ensures that every fruit and vegetable meets the highest standards before it reaches the market.

Every product that passes through our hands is subjected to rigorous controls and evaluations. Until the quality department determines that the quality, flavour, size and post-harvest life conditions that we previously set have been met, marketing does not begin. This process guarantees that only the best products reach our customers, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty.

Quality Specifications: A catalogue of requirements

To maintain these high standards, we have developed quality specifications for our products. These specifications are, in essence, a catalogue of requirements that must be met in order to become part of our distribution network. These specifications are the result of years of experience and accumulated knowledge, and set out the exact parameters that each product must meet in terms of:

  • QualityWe ensure that each product is in perfect condition, with no defects that could affect its consumption.
  • TasteIt is a crucial factor for us.
  • CalibreWe ensure that products are of uniform size and weight, guaranteeing consistency in each batch.
  • Post-harvest lifeWe assess the durability of the products, ensuring that they maintain their freshness and quality for as long as possible.

Once a product meets all these specifications, it is ready to enter our distribution network. This process not only ensures that our customers receive the highest quality products, but also strengthens our reputation as a reliable supplier committed to excellence.

At IberianaWe understand that quality is not a destination, but a continuous journey. We are constantly reviewing and improving our processes to ensure we maintain the highest standards. 

To learn more about our quality processes and our products, please visit our social media.

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