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News and innovation in agriculture.

Agriculture is facing a number of significant challenges today. These include the impact of climate change, the degradation of soils by pollutants, and the growing global demand for food. 

At the same time, industrialisation is depleting key natural resources for human survival, such as water, forests and biodiversity, at an alarming rate. 

In response to these complex problems, new techniques and approaches need to be developed. One of the most promising innovations in the agricultural sector is nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is a discipline that works with materials at the nano-scale (billionth of a metre), and has potentially revolutionary applications in both health and agriculture.

In agriculture, nanotechnology could play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of agricultural processes. For example, it could improve the growth and resilience of crops, increase their nutritional value and improve the safety and quality of food products, while reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices.

One of the most exciting aspects of nanotechnology applied to agriculture is the development of nanomaterials designed to improve crop yields. These nanomaterials could act as more effective and longer-lasting crop protection products than traditional pesticides, as well as fertilisers with less environmental impact and seed enhancers to optimise germination.

Nanotransporters are particularly important as they allow the controlled delivery of bioactive products, including beneficial micro-organisms, to specific parts of plants to improve their health and performance.

Encapsulation of active ingredients in nano-transporters protects plants from agrochemical toxicity, improves uptake and reduces wastage, thanks to the controlled release and high bioavailability of nano-formulations.

In conclusion, the integration of nanotechnology in agriculture holds significant promise for addressing current and future challenges in the sector, promoting environmental sustainability and improving global food security.

Here you can find more information on nanotechnology.

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