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Biological control: A natural ally in our fields.

By 5 February 2024No Comments

In the constant search for agricultural methods that respect the natural balance of our ecosystems, biological control is emerging as an intelligent and environmentally friendly solution.

What is biological warfare?

It is an agricultural strategy that uses living organisms to control pest and disease populations. Unlike conventional methods that often use chemicals, biological control relies on the natural balance of the food chain and the interaction between different species.

Biological control in horticulture is a relatively new but growing practice. Biological control has become more important in the last 5-10 years, and given the dynamism of crops in isolated environments, the frequent release of beneficial natural organisms becomes essential to maintain its effectiveness. 

What are the environmental benefits of this innovative practice?

By dispensing with chemical pesticides, we contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, avoid soil and water pollution, and promote the health of essential pollinators such as bees.

Farmers who implement organic practices notice a significant improvement in the quality of their fruit and vegetables. The absence of chemical residues not only benefits consumers, but also enhances the natural and nutritious flavours of the produce.

At IberianaWe treat organic farming as a long-term commitment to sustainability and the health of the planet. That's why we ensure that our suppliers use sustainable processes in their farming and adopt earth-friendly practices such as organic farming. 

In short, biological pest control is a fundamental pillar in our vision of sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. By integrating it into our fields, we not only protect crops, but also contribute to the health of the ecosystem as a whole.

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